The Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE), a government agency responsible for energy conservation development, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has implemented the project on Promoting Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings – PEECB with financial support partially from GEF, and co-financing from Thai private and government sectors. The project’s goal is to reduce green house gas emission from the commercial buildings by promoting the use of building energy efficiency (EE) technologies. Its objectives are to;

1. Enhance awareness on energy efficiency in commercial buildings in Thailand including the establishment of EE Information Center, personnel training, and development of the energy use simulation programme for commercial buildings in Thailand

2. Study and set the policy framework, practical long and short term implementation plans for commercial buildings EE promotion, as well as evaluate and improve policy measures of EE in commercial buildings

3. Demonstrate the application of EE technologies in commercial buildings which can be disseminated and replicated to other buildings.